In attendance: Wyatt (secretary), Marc, Ty, Jackson,
Start time: 7:05 PM
- Yard Sale. We had a very successful yard sale, clearing about $1200! Just about matching our record year. Thank you everyone for your donations and purchases. The collective will be well funded and be able to make multiple donations to causes throughout the year. We lost a few garage sale signs this year. We do need a few more sign wires for more yard sale signs. Marc will plan on making yard signs for next year.
- Projector Modernization. We would like to use some of the funds to buy a nice new projector. We want something that will last us for a long time. We want one that we can replace the lamp easily. Its worth spending money on a really good one. Jackson will take care of this.
- Summer Calendar Finalization. August zine workshop is finalized.
- For June: Movie showing, Saturday, June 25th – 7p – 9p
- For July: Abortion Rights: What Now? discussion on July 16th – angled toward projected ramifications, which states have/had trigger bills, which states will keep it legal, what to do now. Marc will reach out to a university professor he knows regarding the abortion discussion; we may consider other folks to reach out to.
Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM