In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:25 PM
- Yard Sale – Our annual fundraiser is this weekend! It’ll be a lot of work, but we had worktime tonight to price almost all of our currently collected donations. We discussed the logistics of picking up some of the larger batches of donations from our families. Jackson can still use some backup getting things set up on Friday morning, as neither Marc nor Ty will be able to help then. We’ll do our best!
- Tabling Opportunity – Our neighbor Chelsea emailed Jackson this afternoon to let us know that she’s hosting a block party on Sunday, June 26th and invites us to come and table (as we have done in at least one previous year). We are interested, and Jackson will email her back to accept the invitation.
- Summer Calendar – We still need to pick dates for the Pride movie night and the abortion rights discussion, but our night got late on us with all of the yard sale prep. We’ll continue this discussion on the Discord. TABLED.
Meeting adjourned: 9:30 PM