In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Luther, Tati, Brian (late)
Select Date/Time
Sat, May 4; 1 PM (after finals)
Parade Route
Rally at the Capitol (North side)
Take 16th to O
Take O to 10th
Take 10th to Lincoln Mall
East on Lincoln Mall back to the Capitol
Jackson suggests 20 minute limit on all pre-march speakers (combined): we don’t want the marchers to get impatient. Individual speakers should be limited to 5 minutes.
Brian nominates Jackson to do the history again
Something motivational? Fire up the marchers.
Stipulations for speakers:
No sectarian advocacy for organizations/political parties
No hate speech?
No conspiracy theories
Light on theory
Time limits?
Diversity! Not all white men again!
Should we solicit volunteers?
Call Capitol and they’ll email you a permit application.
Find parade permit at, fill it out and mail it in.
Possible conflict with Mayor’s Run? (Also May 4th.)
Get it done by end of March.
Next meeting:
Do we need another in-person meeting? Brian proposes that we continue discussion by email.
To-do: We need fliers ASAP!
Adjourn: 5:00 PM