In attendance: Jackson, Ty (moderator), Marc (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:10 PM
1) Naomi’s Library Update: Naomi emailed saying she’s still available to help library organization stuff. She tried experimenting with WordPress library catalog widgets to no avail with her personal account, but said she’s down to jump right into it. Barcode scanning would be done on-site, but further cataloging can be done anywhere with a Black Cat website account.
2) Black Cat Web Account: Marc needs a Black Cat website account, but we need access to the admin account to do that.
3) Pro-Choice Activism: We received a Facebook message regarding local pro-choice activism. We’ve invited the messenger to chat with us sometime about their ideas.
4) Event Review: The medical training went well – though only one new person was in attendance out of four (Wyatt included), it still went really well. We thought of other people and group we can reach out to in regards to advertising these events, particularly the one about treating chemical burns on April 22.
5) Fundraiser Yard Sale: The yard sale will be May 21st and 22nd. Ty will work on getting a Facebook event up so we can solicit for item donations. The only items that we will not accept is clothes. He’s also going to be reaching out to family for supplies like folding tables, signs, etc.. Jackson got a box of disposable masks for the medical training but they’re not likely to be used up before the sale so that can be put at a sanitation station with hand sanitizer pumps. Marc and Ty will also design new buttons and press a bunch to sell as well for the sale.
Meeting adjourned: 8:14 PM