In attendance: Jackson, Ty (secretary), Wyatt (late)
Start time: 7:02 PM
Black Musicians and Liberation Video: Marc still hasn’t gotten a lot of time or means to work on editing the video. But we got an offer for some help with the video editing last week! Some miscommunication happened, and we’ve yet to reach out, but Jackson will do so ASAP.
March Reading Discussion: Ty still hasn’t heard back about Hawley Hamlet, so we will have to work with them a different month. Marc is not here to provide a Women’s History Month article, but our favorite from last week was “What Ulysses Grant Can Teach Joe Biden About Putting Down Violent Insurrections” ( We’ll schedule it on Saturday, March 27, 1-3 PM, on Jitsi Meet.
Title – Biden’s (In)Action Against Racism: A Reading Discussion
Jackson is going to work on an event description and Facebook posting.
Street Medicine Workshop Series: Wyatt couldn’t be here, but he pitched starting the street medic workshop series in April. They’ll be held at The Black Cat House, with masks and social distancing required, either inside or outside if weather permits.
Thursday, April 8, 7-9 PM – Traumatic Injury
Thursday, April 22, 7-9 PM – Environmental Injuries: Hot and Cold
Other topic ideas for the future: chemical injuries, treating diabetic symptoms, respiratory emergencies, emergency mental health care, talking to your doctor, overdose treatments
Wyatt’s going to work on the Facebook event for this. He also wants us to think of anyone who might be interested in these workshops.
Yard Sale: We’re leaning towards having the yard sale this year. We have multiple people reaching out wanting to donate things, most of our folks who would volunteer for it would be vaccinated by the usual point we have it (early to mid-May), and we have enough space to space out tables as well as have a specific table with hand sanitizer and disposable masks that we’ll encourage people to use whenever we can.
It will likely be May 14 and 15. We’ll table the actual decision on whether we do go ahead with the yard sale for next meeting.
Tabled: Yard Sale
Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 PM