In attendance: Jackson, Ty
Meeting Start: 7:15 PM
- Event Review – The counter-protest for the Walk for Life was on Saturday. Our crowd was much smaller, but this was expected – our side is more considerate of others’ safety than the anti-choicers, plus the knowledge ahead of time that the anti-choicers would be unlikely to wear masks reliably (which was true) and wanting to minimize potential COVID-19 exposure. We do need to be more on top of tracking the other side. They made announcements about changing their route and destination for their keynote in time for our meeting last week, but we did not see it until the day before the event.
- Web Domain – We needed to renew our domain name, which Jackson did. $29.87 for a year, which Jackson will be reimbursed for.
- Library Donation – Jackson is donating 10 books to the library, which Ty, as the only other member present at this meeting, agreed to include in the collection.
- February Event – We have not been able to reach out to the colleagues that we wanted to get together for our discussion on Black music for February. Jackson will follow-up after Wednesday to see whether those contacts have been made.
- TV Spot – Jackson mentioned that a reporter wanted to do a TV spot on local news on The Black Cat House. We need to clean up the place a bit, plus figure out which Black Cats want to be around for the filming, before we set up a time to do so. We need to talk to a few more folks about interest in appearing.
Tabled: February Event, TV Spot
Meeting Adjourned: 8:08 PM