In attendance: Alexis, Jackson, Marc (secretary), Simone, Ty (moderator)
Meeting Start: 7:05 PM
Upcoming Event – The Walk for Life counter protest is January 16. So far, we have guessed that a couple dozen people interested in being part of the counter protest will show up, based on our Facebook responses and conversations.
– We can anticipate that WfL will have a large crowd as usual. Allegedly, WfL is going to take some COVID precautions, but we’re not sure if they actually will, or if the crowd will actually follow them.
– There are also some safety concerns with the planned armed protest at the capitol, though that is planned for the 17th. We may have a street medic available just in case, but hopefully we won’t have to worry about violence breaking out.
– We plan on having 3 or 4 people to work as escorts/guides to prevent anyone at the counter protest from getting left behind by the rest of the group. One person at front, one at the very back, and others spread through the middle for communication. Jackson and folks from the NLC have offered to volunteer as marshals for this purpose.
– We also would like someone to serve as our media representative, particularly someone directly affected by anti-choice laws. Ideally, she would speak beyond “vote for democrats/support Planned Parenthood” talking points. Most often reporters want a soundbite of 10 seconds or so—something that can be easily summed up.
– As far as signs go, we have plenty leftover from previous years in case folks want to make use of those.
– We’d like to have a public planning meeting for folks who want to attend the counter protest, to discuss what roles/etc they can take on. We already have folks from NLC who have offered to help; another group may be the DSA.
February Event – We’re going to connect with some comrades about a music-focused event centering Black musicians for February. Right now, we want to wait for the holidays to settle down before reaching out. This could potentially involve panelists from around the world, so we should have an exciting group of people from a variety of backgrounds and musical talents working with the BCH soon!
BCH’s Role in the Community
– We briefly discussed how folks from similar organizations can always reach out to the BCH for help and collaborative projects! We can share meeting/venue space, knowledge, resources, and so on as we’re able.
Meeting adjourned: 8:12 PM