In attendance: Jackson, Ty
Meeting Begins: 7:04 PM
Library Updates: Jackson got quite a few diverse titles for donation to the library! Naomi was unable to make it today but she says she will give an email update with the library research she’s done.
Email: We got an email from someone who expressed interest in getting to know The Black Cat House and what we do here. Ty will reply.
Upcoming Event: We’re still having a little trouble contacting some panelists, though we’ve gotten confirmation from them that the day and time working for them. Ty volunteered to act as co-moderator for the panel, keeping an eye on the chat and making sure discussion questions are brought forward, while Jackson will focus on making sure each panelist gets their opportunity to speak on the discussion topic. We will not be recording it, as we have not had a chance to discuss this with the panelists.
Winter Calendar: Jackson would need to touch base with folks regarding the Black History Month poetry event idea. A book feature of our library titles by black authors to feature on social media might be a fun idea. Another potential synthesis of various ideas for an event would be a Radical Activism Under Biden themed event. Jackson says that might be a better fit for a January online event to contrast the in-person counter-protest, and then having a Black History Month event in February.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:02 PM
Tabled: Winter Calendar