In attendance: Jackson, Marc, Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Meeting start: 7:10 PM
November Event: We have three very interested panelists, we just need to get a date agreed on. We decided to propose postponing it to December, to give the panelists more time to prep and us more time to promote it. The date we’re going to propose is December 12, 1-3 PM central time. If that doesn’t work for our panelists, we’ll reevaluate.
We’ll also want to get some bios for our panelists in order to give attendees an idea of why we asked these folks to be speakers on police repression. We’re also going to have some questions prepared ahead of time for the Q&A portion of the discussion in order to break the ice. We also discussed recording the discussion though doing so would be entirely dependent on the panelists’ comfort level with doing so. We’ll pitch the idea and see what they think.
Winter Events: The police repression panel is now a winter event!
We’re pretty dedicated to counter-protesting the Walk for Life (January 16, 10 AM). We don’t really have the means with COVID to have the pre-protest organizing meeting like we wanted, but we will plug away with this regardless. Marc and Ty will work on creating the web event description for it.
A SCOTUS discussion might be a good one to have. The issue is forefront on people’s minds right now, plus there’s a lot of historical and political ground to cover there. We’re thinking to do that in January.
Wyatt would be down to host a street medic training anytime, and the rest of us are all for it! Though it may not be very productive to host it in The Black Cat House itself given its size, so we’d considered other venues for it. He’s thinking January or February for that, at least for our first event of this nature.
Tabled: November Event, Winter Events
Meeting Adjourned: 8:10 PM