In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Marc (secretary), Ty
Meeting start: 7:10 PM
1) Upcoming Event – We posted the neighborhood cleanup event on Facebook, as well as the website. Jackson’s going to double-check to see if we have enough trash bags; he’ll get some if not. There may be another Everett clean-up happening this Saturday? Ty saw a yard sign about it but we’re not sure about the details. We may also need grabbing sticks, sharp sticks, and gloves.
2) Library Donations – Marc donated a couple books.
3) October Event – Jackson will draft and post the event for Can We Vote Our Way Out Of This Mess on Facebook.
4) November Event – We haven’t heard back from one potential panelist. Jackson is in contact with other potential panelists. We’re going to set a firm date and time soon to make scheduling easier for the panelists.
5) Domain Renewal – Jackson donated the cost of domain renewal and security for the year for the Black Cat website. (Treasury should probably be updated soon)
Meeting adjourned: 7:35 PM