Meeting Minutes 8/10/2020. Fall Calendar. Jail Support. Venue Expansion. Website Updates.
In Attendance: Wyatt (Secretary) Ty (Moderator) Jackson
Meeting Begins 7:01pm
>Fall Calendar.
Football was canceled. This opens things up for us. We did get our fall calendar pretty well sorted out. We are doing three events and we will forgo a paper calendar in favor of doing a ‘meme’ calendar.
Three Events:
September: Community Clean Up
October: Can We Vote Our Way Out of This?
November: Guest Speaker on Police Repression: Date TBD
>November Discussion: We need to find a speaker.
Jackson and Wyatt will follow with their connections. Ty will follow up with Will re: Portland connections
>Jail Support Discussion:
Black Cat House is trying to get a jail support system going. Ty gives update on meeting with Atlanta jail support.
ROLES for an effective jail support organization:
1. “Vigil”: drives ’em home, brings snacks, physical support for the folks coming out
2. “Spreadsheet operator”
3. “fundraising agents”
phone banking/re-routing a public phone number to several in the network/post-jail resources
>Emphasizing Venue Aspects of Black Cat House.
As an organization, we want more community people and national people to use the living room to their advantage. Some immediate steps we can take now.
-Adding website tab about “our event space”
-Creating YouTube Channel about black cat house, video series: Garden, Rain Barrels, House Tour, Library Tour, Event Space Feature.
-In the future we want to do more advertising to open up the space.
Meeting Adjourned 8:45pm