6/24/19 Minutes:
In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Marc, Wyatt (secretary), Will, Ty
Start time: 7:01 PM
1. Event Review.
About 8 people and a civil discussion despite some irreconcilable differences in the room. All of our core team made it, yay! We liked the contradictions on the white board and we got dialectical.
2. Upcoming
“How to survive a plague” is showing this Friday. The movie is about the organization ACTUP.
3. Email x2
We got an invite to participate in a block party on our street. Saturday August 3rd 5 to 9 pm. We think tabling is a great idea. Jackson will email back.
Saturday July 20th at the Union for Contemporary Art in Omaha. They want to know if we are interested in attending the training, or if we are interested in distributing the free Narcan Kits. We probably can’t but we will forward to Feed the People and maybe ask them if they want to host a training here. We will ask for a kit.
4. Money
$32.87 website domain renewal on the horizon, Jackson will pay.
Would we like to donate to the legal defense fund of Bernard Clark Duse Jr. We will donate $70. We will share on social media.
The Treasury sits at about $102 after all pending bills are paid.
5. July Events
Ty’s description of Chicken Run is great. We will post next week.
Jackson will write the other event descriptions tonight.
July 8th general meeting is canceled.
July 28th will be Sunday Dinner.
6. Fall Brainstorming
Discussion idea: Historical Disconnect between our bodies and medicine. / Commodification of medicine. Do we even recognize if we are sick? What do licensing and doctors orders really mean? How can we learn to listen to our bodies?
Free School / Skill Share Idea: Citizen doctors conference / training thing.
Will proposes a Friday movie night Trouble Screening.
Will proposes a reading discussion of a inhabit booklet.
Library flex. Dedicated events for particular types or publishers of books.
What is Autonomy?
Are we continuing with popcorn politics?
Working class anime
Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM
Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Commune Subscription, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks. How do we want to spend our red state money? Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)