In attendance: Brandon (moderator), Jackson, Marc, Ty (secretary), Will, Wyatt
Start time: 7:08 PM
1. Event Review: We showed 1984 on Friday, and it had a nice turnout and conversation. Defeatist tone to the chat, but so was Orwell about the issue, so it makes sense!
2. Upcoming Event: What is Revolution is on Saturday! Marc suggests making open-ended social media posts, prompting thought ahead of time. Will proposes a reading list for people to browse to get gears turning as well. Wyatt thinks that a follow-up event in a calendar or two if we have a good turnout, which maybe the reading list would be better for. We brainstormed some ice-breakers and thought-provoking questions to ask before and during the discussion.
3. Library Donation: Will has 8 zines to donate to the library, which we graciously accept. Ty donated Comrades, which is a radical tabletop RPG ruleset. We also accept this.
4. Bookmark Reimbursement: Marc printed bookmarks for us, and asks for $19.26 for it. We agree to reimburse him.
5. Calendar Distro: Jackson still hasn’t gotten calendars at the Hub Café or the Unitarian Church. Jackson will probably be able to do Hub Café, and Wyatt will take care of the Unitarian Church.
6. Online July Events: Jackson will draft descriptions for Manufacturing Consent and American Empire and Islam. Ty will draft Chicken Run. We’ll figure them out next meeting. Wyatt already has the names of the events on the website.
7. Treasury: We had $80 that we were going to pledge to the local ISO twig, but since ISO dissolved, it’s floating in limbo.
We are going to pledge $200 to Red State, but we are not sure at this time whether to use it to pay for the breakfast (which we’re also responsible for), or to donate it in addition to the breakfast.
We decided to table both parts of this item.
8. Red State: Brandon reminds us that we have access to a scheduling sheet for interviewing applicants for panelists/workshops. We all signed up for interview times.
Meeting adjourned: 8:33 PM
Tabled Items: Treasury Updates, Wellred Books, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)