5/6/19 Minutes: Yard Sale, New Chairs, Summer Calendar Almost Done!

In attendance: Jackson, Marc (moderator), Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:29 PM

1. Upcoming Events – We have a lot of donations from Ty’s grandpa for the fundraiser yard sale. There are a few things that aren’t priced yet, and we also have some donations yet to come. Wyatt has some tables that he’s going to bring over, and we have some tables from last year for set up.

2. Arragorn! – It looks like we’re a-go for an event on May 23rd at 7 PM. Adam’s going to draft us a description for the event.

3. Contacts – We got a message on the Facebook page about Dear UNL, but we probably missed the boat on the actual campaign they were going for. Whoops! We sent a message acknowledging we got it, however.

We also got an email from someone representing Wellred Books and whether we’d be interested in Marxist literature (which we are, of course). We will table this item to next week, after we get more funds from the yard sale, before we browse their catalogue for possible titles.

4. Chairs – Jackson found a lot of cushioned folding chairs – much nicer than what we already have. 17 chairs in total, altogether $272.68. Jackson would like reimbursement, which we approve, but we’ll have to differ the reimbursement until we have more funds in the treasury.

Now we have a surplus of folding chairs. We’re opting to keep the lime plastic chairs from our old stock, but are selling the rest of them at the yard sale in favor of the new chairs.

5. Summer Calendar –

Saturday, June 1, 12-5 PM: The Black Cat House 6th Birthday Open House
Friday, June 14, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: 1984
Saturday, June 22, 1-3 PM: What is Revolution? (a community discussion)
Friday, June 28, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: How to Survive a Plague

Friday, July 12, 6-10 PM: Movie Night: Manufacturing Consent
Saturday, July 20, 1-3 PM: Open discussion on the relationship between U.S. imperialism and Middle Eastern religious fundamentalism (Proposed Title: Why They Hate U.S.: American Empire in the Middle East)
Friday, July 26, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: Chicken Run

Friday, August 9, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Friday, August 16, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: Pan’s Labyrinth

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Posted in Minutes.