Treasury Log 2015 (General/Library/Speakers)


We started the year with $137.40.

January 12th Update

New donation: We received $21.02 in our donations box.

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $8.03 for fliers printed after our last meeting of 2014. This was approved at the January 5th meeting.
2) Jackson was reimbursed $60 for buying a painting for the collective space from artist Ben Jones. This was approved at the January 5th meeting.
3) Jackson was reimbursed $10 for buying zines for the house. This was pre-approved on January 5th and confirmed at the January 12th meeting.

These total $78.03 in new deductions from our treasury. Altogether our treasury decreased by $57.01, to a new overall balance of $80.39.

January 25th Update

New donations:

1) Jackson donated $10.
2) We received $2 from Nick for a duplicate poster.
3) We received $2.20 in our donations box.

These total $14.20 in new donations.

New debits:

1) We paid $35 to take out a one-year subscription to the Militant newspaper. This was agreed to at the January 12th meeting.
2) Jackson is reimbursed $4.95 for buying hardware to be used in hanging up our new painting from Ben Jones in the public space. This was pre-approved at the January 5th meeting, and confirmed at the January 19th meeting.
3) Jackson is reimbursed $0.64 for flier printing. This was pre-approved at the January 12th meeting, and confirmed at the January 19th meeting.

These total $40.59 in new debits.

Overall our treasury is decreasing $26.39, to a new overall balance of $54.

March 2nd Update

New donation: We received $26 in our donations box.

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $6.20 for poster printing. This was approved at the February 2nd meeting.
2) Jackson was reimbursed $14.71 for spring calendar printing. This was approved at the March 2nd meeting.
3) We paid $35 to reserve a table at Earth Day. This was approved at the March 2nd meeting.

These total $55.91 in new debits.

Overall, our treasury is decreasing $29.91, to a new overall balance of $24.09.

April 29th Update

New donations:

1) Our yard sale brought in $704.66!
2) $20 were collected from our donations box.
3) $7.56 were collected from our tabling at Earth Day.

These total $732.22 in new donations.

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $5.35 for flier printing. This was approved at the March 9th meeting.
2) Jackson was reimbursed $35.99 for buying the house a case of printer paper. This was approved at the April 6th meeting.
3) Jackson was reimbursed $6.69 on printing related to a new batch of pronoun buttons. This was approved at the April 13th meeting.

These total $48.03 in new debits.

Overall, our treasury is increasing $684.19, to a new overall balance of $708.28.

May 9th Update

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $4.01 for button-related printing. This was pre-approved at the April 29th meeting, and confirmed on May 6th.
2) Jackson was reimbursed $64.71 for ordering button parts. This was pre-approved at the April 29th meeting, and confirmed on May 6th.

Overall, our treasury decreased $68.72. Our balance is now $639.56.

May 25th Update

New donation: we received $32.11 in our donations box.

New debits:

1) Ty is reimbursed $44 for zine printing. This was approved at the May 13th meeting.
2) Jackson is reimbursed $7.22 for calendar printing. This was approved at the May 13th meeting.

These total $51.22 in new debits.

Overall, our treasury decreased $19.11. Our balance is now $620.45.

August 14th Update

New donations:

1) We received $71 in donations at Star City Pride, mostly for our LGBTQ-themed buttons.

2) We received $20 for pressing some buttons for a local band.

3) We received $58.85 in our donations box.

These total $149.85 in new donations.

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $2.14 for printing costs related to fliers and a button-making project. These were pre-approved at the June 24th meeting, and confirmed at the July 1st meeting.

2) Jackson was reimbursed $17.64 for replacing the broken toilet seat in the public restroom. This was approved at the July 15th meeting.

3) Jackson was reimbursed $3.21 for buying new dry-erase markers for the house. This was approved at the July 22nd meeting.

4) Jackson was reimbursed $134.63 for paying for our web-hosting expenses. This was approved at the July 29th meeting.

5) Jackson was reimbursed $172.59 for buying our new copy machine. This was approved at the August 12th meeting.

These total $330.21 in new debits.

Overall, our treasury decreased $180.36. Our balance is now $440.09.

September 7th Update

New donation: We received $200 from A Novel Idea Bookstore. Awesome!

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $6.69 for getting our fall calendars printed. This was approved at the August 26th meeting.

2) We agreed to donate $115 to the crowdfunding of Equality Press’ first book. This was approved at the September 7th meeting.

3) We agreed to donate $100 to the crowdfunding of We Are Vital’s neighborhood canvassing project. This was approved at the September 7th meeting.

These total $221.69 in new debits.

Altogether, our treasury is decreasing $21.69. Our overall balance is now $418.40.

October 19th Update

New debits

1) Ty is reimbursed $13.94 for printing costs. This was approved at the October 19th meeting.

2) Jackson is reimbursed $100 for making a donation on the collective’s behalf toward Ella’s fundraiser. This was approved at the October 19th meeting.

These total $113.94 in new debits. Our overall balance is now $304.46.

December 9th Update

New debit: Ty is reimbursed $1.99 for paying for renting a movie for our movie night. This was approved at the December 7th meeting. Our balance is now $302.47.


We started the year with $0.

April 29th Update

Jackson donated $40. We now have $40.

May 25th Update

New donation: Jackson donated $100

New debits:

1) Jackson is reimbursed $80 for buying several books for the library. This was approved at the May 13th meeting.
2) Jackson is reimbursed $15.35 for buying two more books for the library. This was approved at the May 20th meeting.

These total $95.35 in new debits. Altogether, our treasury is increasing $4.65. Our new balance is $44.65.


We started the year with $50.

Posted in Treasury.