9/9/24 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Calendar Distro, Reimbursements

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Lauren, Matt, Salem, Sierra
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Upcoming Events – The Bees are coming to UNL this Wednesday! We’re going to contribute $250 towards their visit. We’re also showing The Breadwinner on Friday night. It’s a busy week for us, but we’re ready!

2. Fall Calendars – Jackson got UNL City Campus done this afternoon, but we’re still needing to hit all of our other spots besides the Unitarian Church and Meadowlark. We’ve got some volunteers here that will help ASAP. Jackson will be reimbursed $36.35 for getting those printed for us.

3. Web Reimbursement – Our website’s hosting has been renewed for another three years. Jackson will be reimbursed $539.64 for getting that paid off.

Meeting adjourned: 8:08 PM

Posted in Minutes.