In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Ty
Start time: 7:05 PM
- Upcoming Event – Our movie night for Gather is this Friday. We’re late getting up on Facebook, so Ty says we need to push it hard on social media.
- Calendar Distro – Ty has made progress on distributing calendars, but we don’t have them up yet in the College View area or the Unitarian Church. Salem is not here to ask if the Haymarket has been done.
- Sticker Order – Our friend is still wanting to print more queer liberation stickers and is willing to front us $100 to make another order of them. We would be happy to work something out, but we have a few questions to sort out before we move forward. Ty will continue that communication.
- Columbus Day protest handouts – Jackson needs to check the materials from last year and see if we need to print more informational zines about Columbus’s crimes.
- Website Training – We spent the second half of the meeting over video chat with Marc as he walked us through the back end of our website.
Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM