In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Event Review – We had Trekkies on Friday. It was a good discussion!
2. Calendar Distro – Ty hasn’t finished distributing calendars. He’ll finish it this week for sure.
3. Next Meeting – Because it’s kinda a grey area over what day next week’s meeting will be, given that we’re switching back to Mondays in September anyway we’ve decided next week’s meeting will be on Monday as well!
4. Online Stuff – So we updated the twitter information so that we get updates from it once again. Ty will try to keep it updated. Jackson encourages more Facebook interaction, and wants to put more open-ended, conversational posts. Ty will be in charge for Twitter and Tumblr, and Jackson will mainly keep the Facebook updated. We also want to revive the listserv. Since Ty has the contact email, he’ll be doing that as well.
5. Facebook Events – September events need up on Facebook! They are already up on our website so we committed some meeting time to doing so.
6. Handbills – Ty has finished the design for them and they are ready to be printed! Ty will email Jackson the PDF to be printed.
7. Reimbursement – Jackson needs calendar reimbursement for $6.69. The deed will be done!
Meeting adjourned: 8:06 PM
Tabled: Copy machine setup, data entry of old minutes