In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:20 PM
- Event Review – We had a garden workshop here on Saturday. We got a few beds cleared and cover crops planted. We had some family show up, but we didn’t necessarily get a great turnout. Ty points out that it was maybe unattractive to a lot of our people between the recent heat wave and climbing Delta Covid numbers. We’re doing another one next month, and we’re excited for it.
- Library donation – Jackson has two new books for our library. Folks like ’em.
- Fall calendar distro – Wyatt will do South Street tomorrow. Ty will do the UNL campus stuff, Haymarket, and Near-South. Marc will do the stuff that’s “drive-worthy.” Jackson will do rest of downtown.
Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM