7/22/15 Minutes: Copy Machine, Sama, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We showed 416 on Saturday night. Turnout was a bit low, but the discussion was very good.

2. Upcoming Event – Trekkies For Humanism returns this Friday. We’re ready for it. We’ll be sure to plug it on Facebook in the next couple of days.

3. Reimbursement – Jackson bought some new dry-erase markers for the house, as ours were dried out. We reimburse him $3.21 for the expense.

4. Copy Machine – We still need to replace ours. Jackson will see what he can find locally. We’re thinking we have a budget of around $200.

5. Sama – The concert/discussion is coming up fast! Sammi reports he is nearly done with our flier. Jackson will be making the Facebook event at the conclusion of the meeting tonight, and will also be sending Sama another follow-up email.

6. Fall Calendar – Ty still needs some digital files to build the calendar; he’ll need to contact Ashley about that.

Meetings are returning to Monday nights at 7 PM. Open hours will not return for fall.

Will we continue to run Trekkies For Humanism?

Thu, Sep 10, 7 PM – LSH meeting
Fri, Sep 11, 7 PM – Movie Night: Anarchism in America
Sat, Sep 19, 1-3 PM – What is Gentrification? discussion
Sat, Oct 3, 7 PM – Movie Night: Food, Inc.
Mon, Oct 12, 5 PM? (Federal Building) – Anti-Columbus Day protest
Sat, Oct 17, 1-3 PM – Why protest? (Title TBD) discussion
Sun, Nov 8, 5 PM – Movie Night: Reds
Sat, Nov 21, Time TBD – Transgender Day of Remembrance panel discussion (Title TBD)

Discussion tabled for the night. We hope to finish the calendar next week.

Tabled: Fall calendar, Facebook usage?

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

The week's events

  • LGBTQ Damage Report (a community discussionn)

    LGBTQ Damage Report (a community discussionn)

    June 29, 2024

    The United States is currently in the midst of a culture war, with its target aimed directly at the queer--and specifically trans--community. Multiple state legislatures have attempted to restrict LGBTQ+ rights and make it more difficult to be a queer person in general. In Nebraska, we have seen state senators argue that public schools should disallow trans students from participating in sports or other gendered spaces congruent with their authentic gender, and we have seen restrictions placed on access to affirming healthcare for trans kids. Despite evidence that gender-affirming care is eons better for the mental health of trans people, right-wing politicians have drummed up support using scare tactics and blaming "woke culture gone too far."

    At the same time, allies of the queer community have shown up in unprecedented numbers to protest hateful bills, and support inclusive ones. Laws that were exclusionary or restrictive have been appealed and sometimes even reversed in higher courts. The queer community and its allies have kept watch on legal aspects of LGBTQ+ inclusion and liberation, and have indicated, loud and clear, that we aren't going anywhere. Culturally, support for the queer community is also higher and higher, despite attempts to turn the community into a scapegoat.

    The Black Cat House will be hosting a community discussion about what bills and laws have been penned or passed at the local and national levels. We will be discussing what effects this legislation has had on our communities, as well as how to continue resisting anti-queer hate. Join us on Saturday, June 29, from 1-3 PM--we look forward to a fruitful and empowering conversation!

    As always, our events are free and open to the public. The Black Cat House welcomes all ages, and is a drug and alcohol-free venue. To help keep everyone safe and healthy, we ask that all guests wear face masks in our space. We are wheelchair accessible.

Posted in Minutes.