In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Upcoming Event – Our movie night is this Friday, and we’re showing Libertarias. Looks like the DVD works fine, so we just need to set the room up and invite more people!
2. Contributions – We’re going to send $50 to the Sacramento anti-fascists (, and $10 to BLEAECK ( We will also buy the latest book from Equality Press in hardcover, which will be $19 out of the library treasury.
3. Fall Calendar – Brainstorming started for the fall schedule. October scheduling has to be put off until next week, so that Ty has a schedule for the UNL LGBTQA+ Resource Center’s LGBT History Month. September Saturdays will also be tight, because scheduling around football Saturdays this close to downtown is near impossible. We also need to take note of the Linux programming event that Ju Ping suggested.
Days not to schedule events on:
September 3rd, 10th, 17th
October 1st, 22nd
November 12th, 19th
Meeting adjourned: 7:55 PM
Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter), Fall Calendar