In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Matt, Salem, Ty
Start time: 7:20 PM
- Library Donation – Marc found us an anthology about disabled women. As our current disability offerings are pretty meager, this is a welcome addition.
- August Movie – We still need to get online advertisements up for our Hail Satan movie night! Rae offered a very rough draft on the Discord, but she was understandably busy with getting ready to move away. Matt has seen the movie, and volunteers to work on the next draft.
- Website Update – Marc has updated the little box on our homepage to suggest visitors check out some of the new stuff on our website.
- Listserv – Marc is drafting our August listserv update. We want to send that out at least a week before our next event, which only gives us a few days.
- Fall Calendar
Saturday, September 9th, 1-3 PM: Fast Fashion’s Impact on Climate Change (a reading discussion)
Saturday, October 7th, 1-3 PM: American Health Care: A Horror Story (community discussion) for October
Monday, October 9th, Time TBD: Anti-Columbus Day Protest
TBD: Movie Night: The Young Karl Marx
Possible Coco Movie Night on November 3rd if we do it
Probable November discussion date will be on the 18th because of Husker schedule
No movies on October 6th or November 24th
Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM