7/11/2022 Minutes: Upcoming Event, Library Donations, Website Updates, Fall Calendar

In Attendance: Jackson, Ty, Marc (secretary)
Meeting Start: 7:24 PM

Upcoming Event: Abortion Rights Discussion
The discussion will be this upcoming Saturday, July 16. So far, the Facebook event has pretty decent interest generated so far. We will promote the event through this week.

Ty suggested sharing the event alongside good news about abortion rights across the country—e.g. today a Minnesota judge ruled that abortion restrictions in the state were unconstitutional. Basically, emphasizing how people are already fighting back against SCOTUS’ decision.

Library Donations
Jackson donated a lot of books to the BCH library, including a novel and graphic novel. Thank you!

Website Updates
Marc talked about plans for making the site more interesting and with more focus on what BCH is, what the space is, what resources are available, etc. Marc discussed plans for totally revamping the homepage, as well as developing ideas for regular blog posts and promoting other groups’ events.

We brainstormed some ideas for what the site could look like and what the purpose of the home page should be. Ultimately, everyone’s on the same page that a big change in the design, layout, etc. needs to be reviewed by core/usual members, particularly any content changes. Marc will also explore how to update the site’s layout in the back-end so that it doesn’t change what our visitors see.

Marc will take point on website updates and creating dummy/private pages to bring to the group for review. He’ll also figure out how to fix the current calendar widget.

Fall Events
We still are planning on collaborating with OutNebraska in September.

Potential event themes/ideas: Anti-Columbus Day protest, Halloween Movie Night, reaching out to DIO-Fest organizers and seeing if we could collaborate somehow? We have also heard from some close friends that they’d be interested in running an event, showing a movie, inviting colleagues, etc.

Husker home football games are on: 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 10/1, 10/29, 11/5, 11/19

DIO-Fest will also be on October 8th, so we don’t want to compete with them on that day.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:47 PM

Posted in Minutes.