In attendance: Jackson, Salem, Ty, Marc (secretary)
Meeting Start: 7:05 PM
Event Review: 10th Anniversary Celebration
- Our 10th anniversary celebration was 6/1. We had a good turnout, Sorry to Bother You generated some good discussions, and the food was well-received. We went with getting pizza from Mellow Mushroom and cupcakes from Butterfly Bakery, since they both have good vegan and gluten-free options.
- Pizza was $72, and cupcakes were $75; Ty paid for these. He would like reimbursement for these, but we will decide on that.
Upcoming Event: Transport Reading Discussion
- This reading discussion will be on June 24th. We have the articles printed out and ready to go already.
- Marc and Ty will write up the description together, and Jackson will post it soon.
Pride Boothing
- We discussed staffing plans for Pride and have good coverage for staffing the booth and switching out for breaks. Salem also indicated being available to help set up on Friday.
- Check-in on Friday is at noon, and Saturday check-in is at 10 AM. There is also overnight security at the venue.
- Ty picked up the prints of button designs and zines. The total cost was $83.87, which Ty would like to be reimbursed for. Same as above, we’ll wait for a future meeting when more members are present.
- Ty and Marc have been busy folding and stapling those zines and making buttons. They’re turning out nicely.
- We’ll need to get a six-foot table in time for Pride. Ty has researched ones, and found potential folding tables that would work well. They are either $60 or $70, depending on the color (“almond” or black, respectively). Marc suggested getting the black one, since it wouldn’t show stains as easily as the off-white one. Ty has offered to pick it up this week.
- There will be a mandatory meeting for vendors on Wednesday at 5 PM. Marc will attend this and convey information.
- The items we still need for boothing are: zine stands, summer calendar handbills, and prints of the button sticker labels
- We will also need to order more button-pressing supplies in the future, since we’ve been pressing a lot of buttons lately.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 PM