In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Rae
Start time: 7:20 PM
- Upcoming Event – We have a reading discussion on Saturday. We should have enough readings for the event, if we can find them. Rae says she can get more copies for us if we let her know by Thursday. Jackson will be straightening up the room over the next few days.
- July Event – We took some time to preview a draft for our July event. Jackson thinks it looks good, aside from a few minor grammatical issues. Rae is still waiting on her collaborator to fill in a few biographical details. It should be online soon.
- Pride Event – Some local folks are doing an alternate Pride event this Saturday afternoon, and it’s even right after our trans safety discussion. We probably don’t have enough materials to do a formal table, nor do we likely have time or energy to prepare them in time for Saturday. But it will probably be a good community event, and we should probably make an appearance there.
Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM