May 6, 2013
In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Tati (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1) May Day
Our event failed! Why didn’t anyone show up?
The weather was terrible. Was it just too cold for people to show up? Do we need to include an indoor backup if we have poor weather again in the future? Tati suggests that we would normally have an afterparty, and maybe we should just include an option to move the party up to the time of the rally/march if the weather sucks again.
Ashley says that maybe the date was a problem. Maybe we’re not going to get students on the day after school lets out? Even if young people aren’t students at UNL, they may have friends who are and get booked up with parties that weekend.
Was it a problem to hold the event after the actual May Day? We’re still committed to trying to get it done on a weekend to make it easier for all the working folks who are busy during the workweek.
Was our event just stale? Ashley notes that we’ve had trouble getting people to come back after previous May Day events. (Brian also said something at the Capitol on Saturday to the effect that maybe a march/protest wasn’t the best way to commemorate May Day.)
2) Library meeting
We’re having one tomorrow at 4 PM to discuss library rules.
3) Open House
Ashley has advertised on the networking sites. We’ll start putting up fliers tomorrow. Ashley will go south; Jackson and Tati will do downtown.
We’re close to having the snacks settled. We have regular and vegan crackers, and cheese. We’ll get hummus. Ashley is planning for more food. Tati wants s’more cookies; they’re not vegan, so we’ll need something else sweet.
Ashley is thinking about activities for kids, since we may have a few attending. Ashley is thinking of organizing a game; possibly outside.
We still have to figure out where to put a few things. We’ll probably need to set up a table to hold our fliers, etc.
4) Reimbursements
May Day expenses: Jackson is reimbursed $6.69 for printing more fliers last week. (This was pre-approved.) Ashley is reimbursed for $13.78 worth of march supplies (whistles and armband fabric).
Other expenses: Ashley is reimbursed $5 for getting us a donations box. Ashley is pre-approved to spend up to $20 on materials for the sign we’re going to make for our front porch.
5) Collective Editing
Ashley presented a draft of the “What is Gender Identity” handout for our upcoming event. We spent the last hour of our meeting editing it.
Meeting adjourned: 8:29 PM