In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Bike Rack – Jackson has found a decent-looking bike rack for $44.95. Ty also likes it, so we agree to buy it for the house. Jackson will be reimbursed for making this purchase.
2. Misogyny in Nerd Culture – Emilio of Social Justice Education Network is returning to Lincoln tomorrow night to give another of his talks. We’re going to promote it on our Facebook, and donate $20 from our treaury to help cover his travel expenses.
3. Website Comments – Our site’s comments are literally 100% spam, and it’s a drag having to delete everything that gets commented on our site. We decided to disable the comments.
4. Adding June Events to Facebook and Website – We spent the rest of our meeting time adding our June events to our website and Facebook pages.
Meeting adjourned: 7:30 PM
Tabled: Stuff to buy (longarm stapler, paper cutter, canopy)