In attendance: Ashley, Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Event Review – We had a Trekkies on Friday, and a Feminist Discussion Group on Sunday. Turnout was low at both events; we may need to do more advertising and outreach. Ty tabled for us at Corn This Way on Saturday; he passed out a few fliers and spread word about our organization.
2. Upcoming Events – We’re showing Salt of the Earth here on Saturday. We’re ready for it. Ty will also be representing the house as a speaker for a Militant Labor Forum in Omaha on Friday night. He’ll be speaking on the intersections of working class issues and LGBT issues.
3. Library Reimbursement – Jackson bought two books for the library, and sought reimbursement for them. Both books are accepted into the library, and he is reimbursed in full for them ($15.35). Ashley also cautions us that we need another bookshelf for the library very soon, if not immediately. We’ll have to start looking more seriously.
4. Calendar printing – We underestimated the number of handbills we needed. Jackson will try to get more printed tomorrow.
Since our agenda was so short this week, we spent the rest of the meeting doing a little bit of housework.
Meeting adjourned: 7:25 PM