In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:03 PM
1. Event Review – The clothing swap was this Sunday. We even extended it to today, and we still have many clothes left over. We will post tomorrow and say that people can still stop by before Friday by appointment, but on Friday we will pack the clothing up. We will likely put out the clothes again for the fall calendar, to see if the trans kids at the university would like to partake in them.
2. Upcoming Events – A movie night will be Friday, which should be simple. Just setting up the room for that, and James already brought the DVD over for the showing.
The other event is the Little Red Singalong. We’re going to compile a few lyricbooks for a few songs. Whether we sing all of them is one thing, as we’ll leave it up to the group that shows which songs we’ll sing. We’ll also ask the group whether they have other suggestions for songs they would like to learn and/or teach people. Ty will get those lyricbooks together; we’ll print about 20 to 25.
“The Internationale” original and Billy Bragg
“Solidarity Forever”
“Bella Ciao”
“You Ain’t Done Nothing if You Ain’t Been Called a Red”
“The Day the Nazi Died”
“Bread and Roses”
“Dump The Bosses Off Your Back”
“Song of the Lower Classes”
“Worker’s Song” by Dropkick Murphys
“The Preacher and the Slave”
“Love Me, I’m A Liberal” original and a modern take
3. Treasury – Jackson has a treasury update he is about ready to post. The general treasury is looking to be about $405. Jackson is also considering going for that paper cutter.
4. Calendar – We still like the sound of the summer calendar a week later! Ty’s getting them printed and we’ll talk about distributing them next week.
Ideas for Fall: Collaborate with DSA on “popcorn politics” movie night? (They Live, RoboCop); “10 things every white teacher should know when talking about race” but Jackson feels the points made were general enough that they could apply to anyone. (
Meeting adjourned: 8:11 PM
Tabled items: Articles for Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)