Meeting Start: 7:08 PM
In attendance: Jackson, Marc (secretary), Ty, Wyatt
Tonight we had an abbreviated meeting, since there truthfully wasn’t a lot to discuss about upcoming events and the summer calendar due to COVID-19.
Upcoming Event:
- The Image of the Anarchist reading: Ty and Marc will post the PDF of the article and a text transcript onto Facebook so people interested in attending the event can read it well ahead of time, and so it’s accessible for those who use screen readers.
Summer Calendar:
- We are sticking to one event per month for summer.
- Gardening Day: Saturday June 13th, from 10 AM – 1 PM. This meeting will be outdoors and in-person and be all about working in the gardening and learning certain skills.
- What is Ecofascism? a community discussion: Saturday July 11th, from 1 PM – 3PM. This discussion will be held online.
- Harvesting Day: Saturday, August 22, from 9 AM -12 PM. Like it says in the title, we’ll be harvesting the fruits of our labor from the garden on this day.
- Ty will create a digital calendar for our summer events and post it by next week, so it can be shared and spread.
Meeting adjourned: 7:34 PM