5/9/22 Minutes: Donation to Niskithe Prayer Camp, Summer Calendar, Yard Sale

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty, Marc (briefly, late, by phone)
Start time: 7:07 PM

  1. Event Reviews – We haven’t met in three weeks, so we have had three events since our last meeting!

We had two online events, Professor Lynn’s CRT talk and our friend Aryn’s talk on Title 11. Marc stayed home tonight to work on editing those talks for our YouTube channel. We did have minor issues with Jitsi on both events, with the recording stopping prematurely and having to be restarted. We also still need to get Ty reimbursed for upgrading his Dropbox account to hold the files from these video recordings.

We also had our latest reading discussion this last Saturday. The turnout was low, but it was a good discussion.

  1. Yard Sale – The yard sale is coming up next weekend. We’re now publicly accepting donations. We’re not sure at the moment if Wyatt will have time to build the temporary tables we enjoyed last year. Ty is not sure yet about his availability for next week, because of his work schedule. It sounds like we could really use some more volunteers to help us pull this off. We have a lot of uncertainty tonight, and we’ll have to continue planning logistics for this via the Discord as more details become known.
  2. Buttons – Marc has pressed some prototype Black Cat House swag buttons. They are very cool! And we are excited to have swag with our name/logo on them at last. Marc has offered to make more buttons, possibly as things to sell at the yard sale. This is a good idea in theory, but we’re not sure what designs those would be.
  3. Niskithe Prayer Camp – We extend our solidarity with the Niskithe Prayer Camp trying to save the Native sweat lodges here in Lincoln. We will be donating $200 to their PayPal.
  4. Summer Calendar –

June or July: Movie Night: Pride
July or June: Some kind of discussion on abortion rights; Marc will reach out to a professor contact at UNL
August 27th, 1-3 PM: DIY Publishing: A Zine Workshop (working title)

Meeting adjourned: 8:33 PM

Posted in Minutes.