In attendance: Arya, Dan, Jackson, Rae (secretary), Salem
Start time: 7:05 PM
- Event Review – Our latest garden day workshop was on Saturday. We had to improvise, with our planned event leader Wyatt unable to make it. We had a large turnout, possibly due to our Facebook event being seen by many unusual suspects (50+ “interested”, many of whom we aren’t connected to). Rae points out that we need to get back to our habit of passing handbills to event attendees. Hopefully we’ll see some of those new faces again soon.
- Upcoming Event – Our Salt of the Earth movie night is this Friday night. We want to invest in blackout curtains soon, as glare from the window was a factor in our last movie night. Jackson needs to do some serious room prep, but we should be good to go.
- Summer Calendar –
Thursday, June 1st, 7-10 PM — Black Cat House 10th Anniversary Movie Night: Sorry to Bother You
Saturday, June 24th, 1-3 PM — “Transport” reading discussion (need help from Marc and Ty naming this event)
Tuesday, July 18th OR Wednesday, July 19th, 7-9? PM — Conflict Transformation Workshop (Rae and Rae’s friend need to finalize exact day and time and event title)
Saturday, August 12th, 1-3 PM — The Rise of Right-Wing Cults (a community discussion)
Friday, August 25th, 7-10 PM — Movie Night: Hail Satan
Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM