In attendance: Jackson (moderator), James, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Event Review – The Coming Repression and Standing Up Against Street Harassment were events we had last week. They were great events, but we wish they had better turnouts. Still had good discussions with the ~8 people that were at each event.
2. Upcoming Event – How The Democrats are Fracking the Left is coming up on Saturday. We talked about structuring the event and moderating strategies, and points that we want to discuss. We wanted to focus on real-world examples, and what to do about that Democrat co-opting movements.
3. Meadowlark Cuba Event – Joe sent us a flier for the Meadowlark panel of people who will be going to Cuba over May Day. He asked us to post it onto our Facebook page, which we’re cool with doing.
4. Book Reimbursement – Jackson bought a book, “Is Socialist Revolution in the U.S. Possible?” He’d like to donate it to the library. It cost $5, and we approve reimbursing him for it.
5. Donation – Jackson proposes donating to the Omaha GDC for legal expenses for the protesters arrested on March 25th. We going to donate $50 to them.
6. Earth Day – Jackson used the wrong email to register for Lincoln Earth Day. Ty will get in touch with them to get that registration updated.
7. Yard Sale – Due to the major construction happening on 16th street, we will likely not have any traffic hitting up our yard sale. We have determined that the sale itself will be postponed until construction gets to a point where traffic is allowed through again. Jackson proposes moving some higher end items on Craigslist, to bolster the treasury in the meantime. Further discussion on the item will be tabled. Soliciting for clothing donations for the Trans Clothing Swap, as well as the swap itself, will go on as scheduled.
Meeting adjourned: 8:39 PM
Tabled: Yard Sale