In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:06 PM
1. Event Reviews – Trekkies For Justice was a bust. We fell short on promoting it, and that could’ve been the cause. We’re probably taking the summer off as far as Trekkies goes. We also tabled at Lincoln Earth Day. We don’t go with the objective to make money, but we did break even on the table. Introduced ourselves to a lot of people, a lot of people remembered us – it went pretty well!
2. Upcoming Event – We’re hosting DSA’s study group on Wednesday. We just need to straighten up the room.
3. Tabling Opportunity – We have been invited to table at a neighborhood resource fair, on May 6th from 10 am to 2 pm at the F Street Rec Center. Jackson will be available to table, and Ty thinks he will be available, so we’ll go for it.
4. May Day – The May Day committee met yesterday. There’s a pretty good chance that it might rain, so we’ll need to make sure that the room is set up nicely on Sunday for if the May Day picnic gets moved to the House. The official call will be at 8 pm on Saturday night. We’ve also committed to bringing lemonade, and maybe some other things as the need pops up.
5. Next Week – May Day is next week! Since there is a strong possibility we are going to Omaha to participate in the May Day rally there, we will cancel our weekly meeting.
6. Summer Calendar –
Possibly an article discussion, though it could be swapped for the discussion in August. Jackson mentioned “10 things every white teacher should know when talking about race” but he feels the points made were general enough that they could apply to anyone. (
Late June – Something for queer pride to commemorate anniversary of Stonewall riots. “Before Stonewall” is an option.
Ty mentioned “They Live” as a possible movie night. Jackson brought up that someone at DSA was also interested in showing similar films, and we will ask if they would like to potentially collaborate on an event.
Saturday, July 1st, 1-3 PM?: Discussion (maybe a panel) on capitalism’s and white supremacy’s influence on the founding of the United States.
Early August – Remembrance of the atomic bombings of Japan. Suggestions to tie to Fukushima nuclear disaster. “Fukushima Uncensored” was available in full online. Jackson also brought up “White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” Still considering “In This Corner of the World” and “Yunagi City, Sakura Country.”
What is Anarchism?
Monday, August 21st, 7 PM – Sama’s concert
Possible Conflicts:
Friday, June 7th (Ty’s having surgery, and will be on the mend for 2 weeks); Sunday, June 11th (Pride March); Star City Pride (a Friday/Saturday in July? Maybe 8th/9th?); June 3rd and 24th are days Jackson will be likely at work.
Discussion is tabled to next week.
Meeting adjourned: 8:21 PM
Tabled items: Articles for Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), Summer Calendar