In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Tanner, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:01 PM
1. Event Review – We ran Anarchism in America, and Jackson asserts that it’s still a so-so documentary, but it gets people talking so it’s worth showing. It did not disappoint, as the turn-out was a pretty fair one for our documentary showings, and there was a lively discussion. We will definitely show it again in a few years.
2. Upcoming Event – We have a reading discussion on “Fueling Dissent” upcoming, not this week but as we don’t have a weekly meeting next week, we’re discussing it today. Tanner would like to introduce a supplemental reading of a report on Exxon Mobile in order to give people more context for our reading We haven’t included supplemental readings to these events before, but given that the executive summary is only a page-and-a-half and in fairly accessible terms, it won’t add too much length or complexity to the reading so it’ll be acceptable. Tanner’s suggestion is to lead with the summary, which Jackson and Ty think is fine.
We also worked on compiling the documents into a single one, and putting the Facebook event.
3. Pom Poko – We got the DVD in! So we’re ready for that event too.
4. Books – We got a copy of the book “Gay Berlin” donated to us for our library, which we gratefully accepted. Ty also wants to buy a copy of Cartoon Punk: Artists Against Fascism, which is an antifa comic anthology, for our library and would like to be reimbursed the $20 to purchase it. Everyone else says that’s cool, so he went ahead and ordered it.
5. Button Order Follow-Up – Jackson cashed the check for the button order we filled, so that’s $155 that will be added to our treasury records soon.
Meeting adjourned: 8:16 PM
Tabled items: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)