In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:02 PM
- Earth Day Tabling – We still need some zines printed for this, 50 each of the green zine and fueling dissent zine, but besides that we’re going to focus on moving zines we already have in addition to buttons and stickers.
- Porchfest – Porchfest is going to be the first Sunday of August, which is August 7th, between 2 and 7 PM. Jackson will post on their page to let them know that our porch is their porch!
- Facebook Events – We put up Facebook events for May Day Today and the Yard Sale Fundraiser and scheduled some hype posts for our and other folks’ events.
- Summer calendar – Didn’t have time to talk much about the calendar, but the details from last week have been reposted to keep them fresh in our heads. We did get a date for Star City Pride
No-schedule dates: June 25th (Heartland Pride in Omaha), August 19th-21st (weekend before UNL restarts classes). Lincoln’s Star City Pride July 8-9
Interesting dates/historical tie-ins: Tank man incident, Tianenemen Square, China (June 5th); International Day of Solidarity for anarchist prisoners (June 11th); Race Riot in Omaha (June 24th, 1969); George Orwell’s birthday, Little Bighorn (June 25th); Stonewall Riots start (June 28th); Frida Kahlo’s birthday (July 6th); Spanish Civil War starts, Eric Garner murdered (July 17th); Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6th and 9th); Michael Brown murdered (August 9th);
- Infoshop – We donated $50 (technically $53 due to the nature of the fundraising service) for the Firebrand Collective that is attempting to open an infoshop in Chicago. Jackson will be reimbursed for this out of the treasury.
Meeting adjourned: 8:39 PM
Tabled: Bike Rack, Summer Calendar