3/9/2020 Minutes: KXL review, movie night posting.
In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Wyatt(secretary), Margret
Start Time: 7:15 PM
1. Event Review:
Fighting the Black Snake. We had a couple member of the collective and several veteran organizers form the movement. We did have two new people come to the house, one who seemed to learn alot. We are concerned that many people have issue fatigue about the KXL, so we are thinking about ways to bring the issue back to the center. Strategically, we would like to bring forward the narrative that KXL is a lincoln omaha drinking water issue.
2. Upcoming Event:
We are showing a movie this Friday. Got the DVD and are ready. Hope to see yall there!
3. Third March FB event posting:
We received a short version from Adam Hintz, we will add some context to the description before posting.
4. Library Work Time. Tabled.
Meeting Adjourned. 8:10