3/8/21 Minutes: Reading Discussion for March?

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc
Start time: 7:15 PM

1. Hawley Hamlet – Ty has reached out to the folks about a meeting, but we haven’t heard anything back yet. We’ll keep our channels open, but we may need an alternate event for March now.

2. Reading Discussion? – Marc thinks a reading discussion may work better on Jitsi than an open discussion. Marc suggested a gender-themed issue to tie into Women’s History Month, but he doesn’t have a specific article yet.

Jackson also had the suggestion of doing the developing direction of the Republican Party and/or current American Right. He has two recent articles that may facilitate a good start on that issue:




Jackson emphasized at the end of this discussion that we really need to make a decision on this next week, if we’re going to pull this off this month.

3. Black Musicians and Liberation Video – Marc hasn’t made much progress yet, because he hasn’t found good software yet to edit the video.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM

Posted in Minutes.