In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Upcoming Event – We’re gearing up for our Tangerine movie night on Saturday. Because of the scheduling conflict with the Primary Caucus, we’re going to push our start time back to 8 PM. We’ll publicize this last-minute change, but we’re otherwise ready to go.
2. Calendar distro update – Ty just has to finish on South Street tomorrow morning. We’re looking good.
3. Lincoln Earth Day – We are now registered for a booth at Lincoln Earth Day. Jackson will be reimbursed $35 for reserving that for us. Ty thinks we should look into making some environmentally-focused button designs.
4. Organizational Vision – We talked a little bit more about our efforts at outreach and extending our message and information outside the house. Ty suggests that some of those ideas are simply unrealistic given our currently available energy. Perhaps we should try again to do more with our social media? That may be our most feasible tool for outreach at this time.
5. Event Promotion – We spent the rest of the time putting our March events up on Facebook and our website.
Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM