In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM
- Event Review – We watched Panther, and it was very enjoyable! Wish we had a bigger turnout for it though.
- Upcoming Event – Revisiting Ferguson is coming up this Saturday. We really just need to brush up on potential talking points – some history of the movement for those who might be unfamiliar, but mostly what BLM’s current strategies are. We’d also like to tie it to Alicia Garza coming back to UNL soon.
- Spring Calendar –
March 5th, 7 PM – 10 PM: Movie Night: Tangerine
March 12th, 7 PM – 10 PM: Movie Night: Boom: The Sound of Eviction
March 19th, 1 PM – 3 PM: The Fight Against Rape Culture (a community discussion)
April 9th, 7 PM – 10 PM: Movie Night: Children of Men
April 16th, 1 PM – 3 PM: What is… Environmental Justice? (a community discussion)
May 1st, 1 PM – 3 PM: May Day Today: The Fight For $15 (a community discussion)
May 7th, 7 PM – 10 PM: Movie Night: Chi-Raq
May 20th, 7 PM: Concert Fundraiser for Porchfest
Meeting adjourned: 8:34 PM
Tabled: Spring Calendar, Organizational Vision (see 1/26/16 minutes), April 23rd Lincoln Earth Day Tabling