In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Tati (moderator)
Meeting Started: 7:00 PM
1) Porch light – Tati attempted to investigate the situation, but just isn’t tall enough! Jackson will attempt to unscrew it, and see if we need to buy a new fixture.
2) Wheelchair ramp – Ashley’s done some research, but we don’t yet have any leads on contractors for the job. We need to do more research, possibly by asking around at accessibility stores in town.
3) Bathroom – We haven’t heard anything from our contractor yet. Ashley needs to call him and see what’s up.
4) Living room – Jackson needs to clean out the desk in the living room very soon. Tati suggests a deadline for cleaning all personal items out of the public space: we should be done by the time we hold our yard sale fundraiser.
5) Yard sale – We decided we’re going to tentatively schedule our yard sale for March 16. Jackson suggests we brand it as a “Help us get a wheelchair ramp!” fundraiser, because that is most likely what we’ll put the proceeds toward anyway. We’ll need to start watching the long-term weather forecasts to see whether the weather will cooperate that day. Our rain-date is tentatively March 23. We need to be getting our items ready, and start soliciting for donations from our supporters as well (within the event advertising itself, or by direct communication with our friends, etc.). We’ll aim to have our FB advertisements for the event up about two weeks in advance. We should probably start soliciting for donations ASAP. We’ll discuss our progress next week.
6) Library update: Ashley has plugged all of the books in our library into our web database, except for the dictionaries (which we won’t bother with). We still need to add shelves and physically organize the books. We could also possibly be working on zines, but our printer is not currently working so that is on hold. We still need to get some kind of donations box for libary expenses/expansion. Ashley suggests that we have a separate library-related treasury.
7) Stuff we need: We’re not actively buying the stuff we need right now because we’re waiting to see how much we need for the ramp. Ashley will post our list to the FB page and see if anyone wants to donate, or sell to us at a discount. We’ll need to get our public computer situation figured out soon too.
Meeting adjourned: 7:50 PM