In attendance: Bailey, Jackson, Marc (secretary), Ty, Wyatt
Start Time: 7:20 PM
1. Event Review: Love Your Library
– Nobody showed up, so we need to promote library & events more.
– Potential ideas:
Post regular photos of relevant displays to site and Facebook
Post book reviews to site/Facebook
Write follow-up posts after events– “if you missed our event, check out these books”
Basically, we need to make progress with our library’s organization.
Set up datacrow for searching/checkouts. The software is already installed on the public laptop, but needs to be filled. We probably need a barcode scanner for this project.
Put stickers with our info inside covers of books
We’re tabling the library discussion, since there’s a lot to cover.
2. Upcoming Event: Black Power Mixtape movie on Friday!
Know Your Rights training afterwards. Bailey and Will are going to practice the skits over the next week.
3. Calendar Distro
Ty printed the calendars and they’re ready to go. We still have two events left on our Winter calendar.
One option is to create separate flyers for Know Your Rights and get the calendars up relatively early/before March hits us.
Will and Bailey offered to create the flyer for KYR. Bailey also let the Dandelion Network email thread know about the training.
Marc will cover the Haymarket
Wyatt will get South Street and Unitarian Church
Jackson will get downtown
Bailey will get Cultiva
Ty will get campus and additional downtown locations (since there are a lot of places in DT).
We also re-counted the new calendar distro sites and figured out which ones to axe (since they take calendars down).
4. March Web Events
We need to write a couple of Facebook event descriptions for upcoming events in March, since they’re coming up. Wyatt and Jackson are taking point on those two events (Killing the Black Snake and Libertarias movie night).
Ty also made an image of the calendar, which we’ll also post to Facebook.
5. Library Donations
Jackson donated a bunch of books to the library. Thank you!
6. Tabled Items Discussion
We are continuing work on developing the library & promoting it. We also need to discuss where the database for the library will be stored, and whether we need a new laptop/SSD/HDD.
Reviving the email list: We have collected a few email addresses officially, but haven’t used it in a long time. At the moment we’ll probably just use the thread that the Dandelion Network provided. ‘Til then, we’re taking this item off the table.
We’re also canceling the radio revival discussion—right now it’s just too much work.
Wellred Books: We know they exist, so we’ll potentially procure books from them in the future.
Items to buy: We have a bike rack now. We have no need for a canopy. External SSD for laptop is needed since the HDD on our current laptop is failing. We’d need the laptop for our library database and to check in/out books. Marc suggested testing out the library system to see where the database could be stored/accessed; now, the potential SSD will fall under “library development” as a tabled item.
Presentations vs. Discussions: Keeping it
Event Outreach: Also keeping
Facebook posting protocol: Keeping it just in case a timely event happens; we’ve gotta explore the theoretical a bit more.
New Tabled Items List: Presentations vs. Discussions, Event Outreach, Facebook Post Protocol, Library Development
Meeting Adjourned: 8:08 PM