Meeting Start: 7:15 PM
Attendees: Ty (moderator?), Jackson, Dance, Marc (secretary)
February Event – Black Musicians and Liberation
– Jackson posted the event description to Facebook, with time/flier/etc info. Since Facebook updated its event creation option, we had to add the UNL Institute for Ethnic Studies Facebook page as a co-host after creating the event. We also added some settings to make it easier for people to engage with the page, ask us questions, etc.
– Tonight we had some tech difficulties with Jitsi, where a couple people’s videos were frozen or unavailable during the meeting. This could potentially be a result of the extreme weather issues we’re having right this moment (Lincoln is the coldest it’s ever been in 30 years!). Hopefully we won’t have similar issues during the event itself, but there are a lot of variables at play.
– For the event itself, Jackson and Dance will each have a short introduction to the BCH and the event; we’ll try to jump fairly quick into the panel discussions.
– We would like to have a short bio for each panelist available for the audience to read as we start up the event.
– Additionally, we’re discouraging panelists from having a powerpoint presentation, but if they do want to have something like that, someone from BCH (likely Marc) will manage the powerpoint for the panelist while they speak. Any panelist who wants to show a powerpoint can send it to the BCH ahead of time.
– We will plan to devote time during next week’s meeting to play with Jitsi’s tech capabilities and have a test run. For the panelist from Sweden, we will also make certain to practice using Jitsi, especially considering the time difference between Nebraska and Sweden. We will use the same link we’ve parked for the event.
– Jackson is also finishing up sending out emails to various panelists with updated details, including asking panelists if they would be comfortable recording the event for later posting on YouTube.
– Marc will work on creating a profile page of sorts to show at the beginning of the event, as well as info about the BCH and UNL’s Institute for Ethnic Studies/African and African-American Studies.
March Event
– No new updates as of now. Ty will be able to work on reaching out to the Hawley Hamlet tomorrow.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:52 PM