2/13/17 Minutes: More Spring Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ju Ping, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Event Review – We had a very good discussion on imperialism on Saturday. We still need to work on our moderation skills! Ju Ping also thinks that we can avoid putting people on the spot for discussion points if we ask for ideas ahead of times via the event pages or mailing list.

2. Upcoming Event – We have a movie coming up on Saturday! The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution will be playing and the room just needs to be set up for that.

3. Crimethinc Tour – We likely have space to put them up for two nights, and we could definitely do our traditional radical pasta feed for them. We’re also planning to donate $100 to them to help cover touring expenses.

4. Spring Calendar:

Saturday, March 4th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Women in Red Stockings (A documentary about the 1975 Women’s General Strike in Iceland)
Second week of March: Preparing For The Trump Era Crimethinc tour
Saturday, 1-3 PM: What is Fascism? (a community discussion)
Saturday, 1-3 PM: “The Safety Pin and the Swastika” reading discussion

Saturday, April 1, 1-3 PM: Bystander intervention workshop with UNL PREVENT
Friday, April 21, 7-10 PM: Trekkies For Justice: “Force of Nature” (TNG)
Saturday, April 22: Lincoln Earth Day

Monday, May 1: May Day/International Worker’s Day march?
Friday, May 12, 8 AM – 6 PM, and Saturday, May 13, 8 AM – 1 PM: The Black Cat House Yard Sale Fundraiser
Sunday, May 14, 12 PM – 5 PM: Trans Clothing Swap
7-10 PM: Whovians For Justice: “The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion”

Little Red Singalong: Either April or May

Not scheduled: Movie Night: Harlan County, USA, discussion on what an anti-capitalist culture looks like, discussion on stopping liberals/Democrats from co-opting direct action, Movie Night: Attack the Block, Movie Night: Battleship Potemkin, Movie Night: Strike, Movie Night: Persepolis

Future documentary to consider: Radio Kobani

Blocked out days: April 15, April 29 from 12 PM – 3 PM
Days Ty will not be there: March 11, March 25-29

Meeting adjourned:  8:16 PM

Tabled items: Spring Calendar, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, whiteboard, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Posted in Minutes.