In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Event Review – We ran _Get Out_ for Popcorn Politics on Friday. The turnout was a little lower than we’d hoped, but the snowy weather may have had something to do with that. The discussion was also unfortunately shorter than we’d hoped. People still seemed to enjoy the film.
2. Whose Streets – Jackson bought the movie, and it came in! Since Chris specifically made a donation to us with covering the movie in mind, we’ll add it to our library and reimburse Jackson the $7.99 he paid for it.
3. Militant – This week’s issue of the Militant came in the mailbox with a notice that our subscription is expiring in two weeks. We decide that Jackson will renew it for another two years ($65) the next time we see Joe. Jackson will be reimbursed for this expense.
4. Spring Calendar –
Saturday, March 3rd, 1-3 PM – What is Transfeminism? (a community discussion)
Friday, March 9th, 7-10 PM – Popcorn Politics: Mad Max: Fury Road
Friday, March 30th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Anarchism in America
Saturday, April 14th, 1-3 PM – Reading Discussion: Fueling Dissent
Friday, April 20th, 7-10 PM – Popcorn Politics: Pom Poko
Saturday, May 5th, 12-5 PM – Open House Party for Karl Marx’s 200th Birthday
Friday, May 11th, 8 AM-6 PM, and Saturday, May 12th, 8 AM-2 PM – The Black Cat House Yard Sale Fundraiser
Friday, May 18th, 7-10 PM – Popcorn Politics: Salt of the Earth
Fueling Dissent –
Ideas for other spring calendar events:
Discussions: liberation theology, national liberation movement/separatism, prison-industrial complex
Movies: Popcorn Politics? (Salt of the Earth? Kubrick? Imperium?)
Other: Little Red Singalong
Black Out Days: April 21st (UNL Spring Game), April 28th (Lincoln Earth Day), April 6/7/8 (Jackson will be gone)
Grey Out Days: March 17-25 (UNL Spring Break)
Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM
Tabled items: Friends of AK Press, Spring Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop