In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Marc (secretary), Dance
Meeting Start: 7:45
Library Update – Marc researched potential plugins for adding the BCH library collection to the site; right now he thinks that Weblibrarian might be exactly what we need, as it has more benefits to its system than Library Management System.
March Event & Spring Events – Wyatt has expressed support for doing a street medic training; we’d like more input from him before making more final decisions. Since he’ll be the one doing the training, we’ll need details on what the event would specifically look like, whether it’d be recurring, etc.
– We also need to figure out venue for the training; it just needs to be large enough to accommodate for social distancing and space. Otherwise, we’re still very much interested in doing it.
– A shared gardening event would probably be held at the Hawley Hamlet; we still need to reach out to them about whether they’d also be interested.
– Marc and Jackson also briefly discussed using Jitsi to share videos uploaded to YouTube.
Black History Month February Event – Title: Black Musicians and Liberation: A Panel Discussion
– Tentative Date and Time: Thursday, February 25, 7:00-8:30 PM CST.
– We’re shooting for about an hour of programming, and 30 minutes for questioning, with 3-4 panelists.
– We have three committed participants!
– We’re waiting to hear back from a few other folks. We’re also considering asking someone in Sweden, too.
– The Institute for Ethnic Studies and African American Studies have both agreed to help sponsor the event! We’re also planning on having this be a yearly event through BCH.
– Right now, we’re focusing on Black scholars, who have a song dear to them linked to liberation, the struggle for justice, etc.–and it should be a personal connection, rather than an academic one. We’ll ask them about why it resonated when they first listened, and if it still resonates. Songs should be about 20 years old or older (or 20th century or earlier).
– The format of the event would be a panel discussion, and we’d show a portion of the song via Jitsi’s YouTube sharing function. BCH organizers will take care of the technical portions of the event so the speaker(s) and moderator won’t be distracted.
– We need to get a flier ready for the event as well, so OASIS can share it.
– Marc will design a flier; Jackson and Dance will get him the content for the flier itself. It will need to contain UNL logo requirements (the N, non-discrimination statement, etc.), OASIS/Ethnic Studies/BCH logos, and so on. The flier will need to be completed by Friday at the latest.
– Ultimately, we want this event to be a yearly occurrence, and hopefully spread it to an international audience as well.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 PM