In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Ella (moderator), Tati (moderator)
Start time: 7:00
Mission Statement: We bring the mission statement topic back up, with a few different options to think about. We decided on “The Black Cat House is an organization dedicated to educating ourselves and the community about oppressive power structures, and how to dismantle them.”
About Us: Ashley wrote up a couple of paragraphs for the about us on the website. We had a collective editing session and made a lot of progress then got stuck on a sentence, so we decided to table it until the end of the meeting. We fixed the problem when we went back to it.
Materials/Web: Ella gives us an update on the website work she’s doing. Ashley and Tati suggest adding a few more pieces to the site, such as having “wheelchair accessible” with a warning to those allergic to cats where the address for the house appears, as well as having individual bios for members. Ashley also wanted a Favicon shaped like a kitty. :3
Meeting adjourned: 8:15