In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc
Start time: 7:20 PM
- Upcoming Event – We’re running The Killing Floor on Friday night. We have some tidying of the space to do before then, but otherwise we’re good.
- Library Update – Jackson has four more books for our library. Marc reports that he has found a way to attach our LibraryThing database to his draft to the new website!
- New Website Updates – Marc has been hard at work designing the next version of our website. He has also made some tweaks to hopefully reduce the amount of spam we get to our “contact” email, and created a list on our Discord with a list of the content that we will need to write to fill out the core pages of the new website.
- Tabling Opportunities – Marc has created task lists for what we need to get done to table at Lincoln Earth Day and Star City Pride and posted them on our Discord. Marc has also been working on our application for Lincoln Earth Day. Marc has been very busy! The application is probably ready to be submitted, but Ty and Marc will need treasury money in advance. Pride is actually less work to apply for, but more expensive.
Meeting adjourned: 8:40 PM
Tabled: Tabling Opportunities, Website, Spring Calendar