In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Maia, Payne, Salem
Start time: 7:10 PM
- Event Review – Nobody showed up for our discussion on Saturday! The late advertising didn’t help. We’ll have to do better going forward.
- Reimbursement – Jackson ordered the face masks we wanted to restock on, and they’re here. He will be reimbursed $24.27.
- Lincoln Earth Day – We finally got the email from the organizers of Lincoln Earth Day. It looks like it will cost $35 for us to table there. Salem and Payne expressed interest in tabling for us, but they will need transportation.
- Spring Calendar –
Saturday, March 15th, 1-3 PM: Winslow’s Wardrobe
Friday, March 21st, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Killing Us Softly 4
Satuday, March 29th [?], 1-3 PM: [Mental health resources for LGBTQ Folks… Payne is working to see if we can get someone here]
Friday, April 11th, 6-10 PM: Movie Night: Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
Saturday, April 19th, 10 AM – 2 PM: Come see us at Lincoln Earth Day [@ Innovation Campus]
Saturday, April 26th, 1-3 PM: Autism as a Social Justice Issue (a community discussion)
Friday, May 9th, 8-6 PM and Saturday, May 10th, 8-2 PM: Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser
Saturday, May 17th, 1-3 PM: [Payne’s Propaganda
Friday, May 30th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Matewan
Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM