In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:30 PM
- Event Review – We had our discussion on the porch about the local Democrats on Friday night. We had a great turnout, with folks from three different generations in conversation. The subject really seemed to excite and engage folks. Maybe the local edge to it was intriguing, or maybe we were just overdue to go after the Democrats again. We moved the event back to 8 PM on a few hours’ notice, which was confusing. Our folks who weren’t on social media still showed up at 7 PM, and we basically had two events: a pre-discussion starting immediately with the (primarily older) folks, and then the younger folks showed up at 8 since they had seen the time change. We probably shouldn’t make these kind of last-minute schedule changes in the future, since there are so many people in our circles that aren’t plugged into social media. Wyatt suggests that if when we find ourselves double-booked in the future, we may be better served going ahead as planned and splitting our collective to also be sure some of our folks are joining the other action.
2. August Event – Wyatt spent the remainder of our meeting time getting our August Garden Day event online.
Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM